
Our Establishment


In These 4 Weeks We Had Several Ups And Downs, As It Was Our First Web Designing Project And Had Numerous Breakdowns In Order To Get Each Of The individual Page Formats In Order. Yet After Racking Our Brains For What Felt Like Weeks (About 3-4 Days) We Came Up With Our First Page Format, Which Got Our Hopes A Little Up. Right After We Figured Our 1st Format, We Completed Making Our Home Page, Which Took Us Back On Track... Or So We Thought, Our Team Soon Found Out That 1 Of The Other Groupd Had Already Built 75% Of Their Website. Whilst We Were Still 1 Week Behind Our Target.

What Difficulties PICNIC-GAMES Faced.

Don't Get Me Started At The Difficulties We Faced, From Our Website Not Being Responsive To Our 4 Pages Being Deleted!... Yes 4 PAGES Simply Deleted! WHOOOSH! But At The Time We Had No Idea That This Mistake Would Become A Bounty Instead Of Bane. We Finally Got Our 2nd Page Format. We Still Had A Long Way To Go, Yet We Were Somehow Able To Cover The Lost Time. (We Did Nothing In The Second Week From Lack Of Ideas) Our Main Focus On This Sites Concept Was To Have One Unique Annimative Property, For Us Parallax Became That One USP Of Our Site (Chuckles Softly.) No Trust Me I Only Know This Much Of Business Terms.

What Has PICNIC-GAMES Become For Us.

We Initially wanted to just test our abilities in making a responsive website, but when we saw other groups giving their hundred percent, and creating their websites faster than us, we knew we had to step it up. And we didn't just want to upgrade we wanted this site to showcase all of our abilities, may it be Html, Css, Bootstrap, JavaScript, or even JQuery which we are currently still learning. We wanted this site to be created with all of the languages we have learnt in this first semester. When we saw the final product, we were amazed by the results and the efforts we put in. We just hope they were enough to make this project a memorable and a unique E-Project showcased to other Batches yet to come.

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