Family OutDoor Games

bocce ball Game

Bocce's normally played at the beach, A game can be conducted between two players, or two teams of two, three, or four. A match is started by a randomly chosen side being given the opportunity to throw a smaller ball, the jack (called a boccino ('little bocce') or pallino ('bullet' or 'little ball') in Italian, depending on local custom), from one end of the court into a zone 5 metres (16 ft) in length, ending 2.5 metres (8.2 ft) from the far end of the court. If the first team misses twice, the other team is awarded the opportunity to place the jack anywhere they choose within the prescribed zone. Casual play is common in reasonably flat areas of parks and yards lacking a Bocce court, but players should agree to the minimum and maximum distance the jack may be thrown before play begins. Players are permitted to throw the ball in the air using an underarm action. This is generally used to knock either the jack or another ball away to attain a more favorable position. Tactics can get quite complex when players have sufficient control over the ball to throw or roll it accurately. The team with the closest ball to the jack is the only team that can score points in any frame. The scoring team receives one point for each of their balls that is closer to the jack than the closest ball of the other team. The length of a game varies by region but is typically from 7 to 13 points.

bocce ball Tutorial

Twister Game

Twister is a game of physical skill produced by Milton Bradley Company and Winning Moves Games USA. It is played on a large plastic mat that is spread on the floor or ground. The mat has six rows of large colored circles on it with a different color in each row: red, yellow, green, and blue. A spinner is attached to a square board and is used to determine where the player has to put their hand or foot. The spinner is divided into four labeled sections: left foot, right foot, left hand, and right hand. Each of those four sections are divided into the four colors (red, yellow, green, and blue). After spinning, the combination is called (for example: "right hand yellow") and players must move their matching hand or foot to a circle of the correct color. The game promotes itself as "the game that ties you up in knots".

twister Tutorial


blind fold Games

This traditional game works best with a big group. Nominate someone to be blindfolded. The "blind man" counts to five, while the other players spread out. The blind man must feel their way around the room, finding the other players and identifying them. If they catch someone but guess incorrectly, the person is freed. Equipment :Instead of going out and buying a blindfold, you can make one of your own quite easily using items around your home. A bandana blindfold, rolled up and tied around someone's eyes in the same way you would tie a bandana around your forehead, works just as well as any other kind of blindfold.

Blind fold Tutorial


Ladder toss Game

To play a game of ladder toss, you need two to four players. Set up the playing field so that there is 15 feet between the upright ladders. Take note that this measurement is from the base of the ladder and not the outstretched legs of the structure. If you do not have a tape measure handy, five paces will suffice. To determine who goes first, flip a coin. The winner of the coin toss will then begin to toss their bolas. The goal of the game is to throw each bola at your opponent’s ladder rungs and have them stick or wrap around the structure. Each player throws all three of their bolas before another player can go. Players can get creative with their tosses, as long as they attempt to throw them in an underhand stye and do not step in front of the ladder. Bounces can also count as an acceptable way to score, as long as you throw each bola individually. The right toss can help you reach the top of the ladder. When lining up a toss, try to get a good pendulum swing with your arm and bola. This can give the bola a wider range, stretching the string during its flight to maximum length, and making for a better scoring chance.

ladder toss Tutorial